Friday, January 6, 2017

January 5th

Refreshed from our day of recollection, we hit the cobblestones running today. We visited two religious orders to learn how they participate in the mission of the Church.

In the morning we were welcomed by the Sisters of Peter Clavier. Their charism focuses on aiding, funding, and interceding for other missionary communities around the world. They said they like to think of themselves as "missionaries to the missionaries." 

In the evening we visited the Missionaries of Charity Father (the male counterpart of St Teresa of Calcutta's order). Rome was their first house, and their first mission: the poor on the outskirts of Rome. They showed the medieval aqueducts which so many of the poor used as makeshift homes. Now, they are mostly empty because the Fathers have helped them find more permanent homes. But, they warned us, the spiritual poverty can that comes with security is more dangerous. 
We all gathered together for a Holy Hour in their chapel and we ended the evening with Lasagna and ice cream to celebrate the vigil of the Epiphany. 
(PS-we'll have two posts today. This morning (Jan 6) was too exciting not to share!

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